Monday, November 17, 2014

Assignment for 11/17/14

1.  What issue was addressed in the case?
        Nixon and the Water gate.
2.  Explain the basic facts of the case.
             several burglars were arrested june 17th 1972.
3.  How and why did the case progress through the courts?
      They were wire tappin phones and doing illegal stuff.
4.  Why was the case heard by the Supreme Court?
        There were several crimes committed during this event.
5.  What was the Court's decision in the case?
          Chief justice was proceeded and decisions were made under all circumstances.
6.  How does this case impact the nation and its people?
        It makes people want to be more secure and they have to e more protective.

7.  What do you think about this case? (Do you think this is an important case?  Do you agree with the Court's decision?  Any other comments?)  It was a very important case do to our society and it makes security set at high stakes.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Ball Ringer 11/10/14

1.  Why will Manchin's role change in 2015
    He's basically all by his democratic self in the year of 2015 and no one will deal with him.
2.  What is currently the most important legislation that Manchin is working on?   
         Gun rights and sex marriage.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Lowering or raising taxes (be specific on what you would raise or lower):   Lowering tax prices for the people who work for a good living they shouldn't be taxed hard that should be the lowest paying taxes you should have to pay if you work hard for your money you shouldn't have to be paying tax dollars for welfare people to live off your money when you know that half of the welfare people that collect are tax dollars are working a job and most of them people should have there tax dollars raised I'm a tax payer myself and as far as what I know about the welfare situation it is messed up. Id also take the tax prices off the rifles and guns in America.
Welfare reform: There is a lot I would adjust to the welfare and it would depend on if you could or couldn't get a job if your eligible and make sure you could pass a drug screening from what you hear in reality and life about these welfare collecting people I don't think its fare to the people who break there backs to there retirement compared to the fat lazy people who set around on drugs and alcohol all day, we should not have to be paying are tax dollars for us to do that it should be going to the people who have a really hard time at getting a job unlike the people who are eligible to do it.

Overcrowding of jails in America: The over crowding in jails I think that we should bring are soldiers home to there families let them spend all the time in the world with there families get these inmates out of prisons that are over crowded cause they want to kill people or do other bad crimes to go to jail we shouldn't have to pay for criminals to eat three meals a day, so what we should do is take criminals knock them out with a drug put them on a plane drop them off in a war zone give them a gun and every other day have ramen noodles dropped off from the air so they can eat and let them fight for our country.

Immigration Reform: Immigrants is beginning to become a big issue in our country you use to be able to go to a construction site and see American men building and working hard now immigrants come into our country work for cheaper pay so the business owner makes more profit and pays less for workers I mean not being racial or anything but start stopping these people from coming over here and stay over there and work get the Americans up off there butt and get them back to work.

Health Care: Health care solving this issue is a big deal well the elderly people who broke there backs when they were younger should have all the health care and health insurance along with social security checks a month gave to them they earned it they shouldn't have that taken away from them its just like knocking a bee hive down after they worked on it to get it big enough for there colony it becomes hard for them to live again health care is a big issue and should be pay the elderly people and take care of them.
Bell Ringer and Assignment for November 6, 2014

1.  Read the article above.  

2.  What do you think about WV making history for having the youngest lawmaker?  
            Its pretty amazing that something like that could happen I mean she just graduated high school and is in college at the same time she got elected.

 3.  Do you feel that her being young will help or hinder (or both) her effectiveness in the legislature.  Defend your answer in 3-4 sentences.                                                                 I believe that this is a once in a life time thing happening im not for sure if something will happen like this in the future cause of the popularity this girl has at a young age, and now there will want to be other young people this age wanting to be in the position she is in.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

1.  Bell Ringer :
Go to or and research the election results for Barbour County and the state of WV.  Summarize the results and the voter turn out.  Were more winners democratic or republican?  Were more male or female?  Were there more incumbents that won or not?  Answer why are elections important?  Why do we have elections?  Why do you think it is important to vote? 

                                  To get the rite person in the job that helps our country and makes good decisions. Your vote matters its a big importance.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Who I would vote for in the near future well that would take a lot of researching and wandering who would be the best for taking over the white house and I would surely not make a bad mistake like the people did when they voted for Obama to be in the white house. The person who ever would be in the white house as far as I know would have to have experience and know what to do and making the rite decisions unlike the president in are white house today making the rite decisions to put the rite person in the white house makes a big difference of how are world goes around the make big decisions on bills and laws and once that law is made it could be a mess it could be a good law or a bad law but that's where a very well experienced president that you know a lot about and would know how to work things as a good president comes in handy and I would a sure the other people in the world before they vote to make sure they know the back round of the future president know a lot about them could get this country a long ways especially the good decision making gets this country a very long ways so all I have to say for future voting is to know more about the person and know if they have experience about what your voting for so be smart and vote for the rite person.
Bell Ringer for 11/3/14

1.  Write a summary of her argument.
   She would have rather suffered then suicide so it wouldn't spread to the young people.
2.  What argument do those that oppose the right to die with dignity put forth?
      They just don't want to suffer if they have something wrong they just want to go.
3.  What is your opinion? Live life to the fullest and dodge the hard things.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

bell ringer and assignment for October 30, 2014
Read the article:

1.  Summarize the article. All for the republicans

2.  Do you agree or disagree with the article? agree

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

 Shelly Moore Capito and Natalie Tennant  rf  ag tb th 

           Shelly Moore Capito: She represents us people she's west Virginias second  and congressional district woman and 113th congress woman need to vote for her very good congress woman she lives in Charleston and was born in Glen dale northern panhandle.

     Natalie Tennant: Vote for shelley
bell ringer and assignment for October 29, 2014
Read the article

1.  How does this support your defense for the debate on Friday?  It makes me realize that any man any girl anyone what so ever in the rite mind who would do that deserves a live tv shown of the death penalty that is sick and disgusting.

2.  Do you believe that the court was correct in this instance?  Yes court was very rite in this case and if id been the judge death penalty would've  been pressed hard

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bell Ringer and Assignment for October 28, 2014

1.  Read the article:

2.  Summarize your feelings on the article in a paragraph.  (Minimum 4 sentences).
      These are some ridiculous laws that i don't think  most people realize are true and that when they find out about them they think there dumb or there's no way its possible but i feel alot of these were just made up cause of people complaining.
3.  Go to and play the TWO assigned games: 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bell Ringer AND assignment for October 27, 2014
1.   Read the article:

2. Answer the following questions on your blog IN COMPLETE SENTENCES:

        1.   Why are the seeking  the death penalty?  Many of the people that were killed were innocent children.
         2.  Do you agree or disagree with them seeking the death penalty? No disagreement toward this that's a horrible situation let them do the punishment.

          3.  Do you believe that the dealth penalty should be allowed at all?  Defend your answer in 2-3                  sentences. Yes pending on peoples lives and the situations that's happening.

3.  Make a T-chart of the pros and cons of the death penalty.  You need to have at least ten items listed on each side.  Turn these in into the box.

4.  As a class decide which side of the issue you agree with, either for or against the death penalty.   Prepare for the debate which will take place on Friday.  Today is the only day you have to work on this assignment.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Presidential Report Card

Name of President: George W. Bush
Number of Presidency: 43rd
Years in Office: 6
In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 
Ability to handle and deal with a crisis

He seemed as far as I knew from the adult talk like he knew how to handle a problem unlike the president we got now days whom over exceeds other countries problems and is less worried about are bush knew how to operate and fix these problems there for he was a good president.
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet

He was eligible to do things and plan things out with the congress they took time in meetings to discuss things and how they would operate them there was no problem about George W Bush making his decisions and representing them at his meetings with the congress and cabinet.
Character and Integrity

He was a very characterized president in the white house made his stand for our country protected it and made very good and difficult decisions his character showed a lot every time he stood up to talk in the microphone if I had all the worlds vote he would still be president cause of his character.
Yale university was his college in 1968 Bush had worked in the oil business for awhile then he long became the 43rd president for a couple of years after Obama had taken over president bush had moved back to Texas and purchased a home and is now living in it speaking for public and the citizens.
He related to a lot of peoples opinions I believe so but that's my guess now depending on other peoples opinions about bush I don't know as far as that but I know from the president we got in the house today compared to when we had bush in the house its just gone down hill and has turned up bad we just need to get someone else better elected in there and let people think on the empathy that the person has getting elected.
Foreign Policy

Relates to the common man


Political Experience

Public speaking & Communication

Bell Ringer for 10/14/14

1.  What is the focus of Spurlock's short films? It explains all of the economic problems and it only takes a couple minutes.

2.  Where is Spurlock originally from? Parkersburg West Virginia!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bell Ringer for 10/13/14

1.  Does this surprise you? No its no big surprise to me it's very well a good reason why I don't have a snapchat.

2.  Does privacy exist when dealing with electronically transmitting messages of any type?  It exist to a certain point until you let it leak out its the own person who lets there information get out.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bell Ringert for October 10, 2014
Read the article below:

Do you agree or disagree that the woman in this article should be able to take her own life?  Explain your answer.

How do you differentiate between suicide and euthanasia?  If I had it o don't know what id do.

How would you feel if you were the woman in this situation? Id feel horrible knowing im going to pass away.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/9/14

 1.  What does this say about the economy of various regions? Tey have some weird tastes that's what it says.

2.  If given to you, would you eat the burger?  why/why not?  NO I wouldn't eat that if it was the last thing on earth.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8, 2014 Bell Ringer

1.  read the article

2. Are you surprised by the findings? Why or Why not? No im not surprised I think a waitress myself should make a little more money then the lower minimum wage.

3.  How do you feel this issue should be addressed?  The waitresses should make more money pending on tips.

4.  How should legislation be handled to deal with this?  They need to get things straight with the money. and pay.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bell Ringer for 10/6/14

1.  What do these articles attempt to do?  Pop up all the time on your screen.

2.  What is your reaction to this? Not to for sure about it im not a big facebook fan.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Bell Ringer for October 3, 2014
first read this article
1.  What is your initial reaction to this proposed ordinance?
    Its dumb and it makes no sense why they would start doing this.
2.  Do you believe this is a violation of any of your rights (listed in the Constitution or the amendments?)
     This is a big violation only people will be mad at them for this action there causing a big un needed disruption.
3.  What would be some issues if this goes into effect?
     There will be aggravated people and Belington will become a ghost town philippi will end up doing this.

then read this article

1.  How does this article compare to the first one?
    You cant come into the west Virginia state without permition there both almost just the same
2.  Make a list of the differences between the two.
    need permits to be in town.
 one was written yester day the other happened last night.
3.  How do you feel about this proposed ordinance now?  Like I said on the last article its dumb and makes no sense just another person or state hungry for money.
Bell Ringer for 10/2/14

1.  Why do many experts believe that ebola is not a worry in the US?

2.  What diseases do they believe Americans should worry about?  Are these preventable?

3.  What personal concerns do you have?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bell Ringer for October 1, 2014

1. Do you believe that he should or should not have been called with a penalty? Why or Why not?
      Yes cause you cant take your helmet off.
2. Which amendment does this issue deal with ?
     It deals with the first amendment.
3. How would you keep this situation from happening again?
     Tell all the players thuis cant happen.
bell ringer for September 30, 2014

watch the video with this story detailing yes means yes

1. How will this change the way the court system handles a rape allegation?
         It wil help the society out theyll take care more of these cases.
2. Do you feel this will make the charge of rape easier or harder? Explain your reasoning.
      Itll make it easier just to throw them in jail.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Assignment for 9/29/14
1.  Find a recent new article (within past 12 months) that deals with one of the Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights (1-10).  Write a summary of the article, and copy and paste the link into a blog post.    This court case involved the second amendment and this amendment has carried out for three ongoing times the right to bear arms.    

 2.  Find a recent new article (within past 12 months) that deals with Amendments 11-27.  Write a summary of the article, and copy and paste the link into a blog post.  25th amendment this is about the constitution and it says how a president will be elected and what would happen cause of the assassinations taking place in the 60's.   
3.  Find a court case that deals with one of the amendments that make up the Bill of Rights (1-10). Write a summary of the court case. 7th amendment

4.  Find a court case that deals with one amendment between 11-27.  Write a summary of the court case.

5.  Choose one amendment from 1-27 that you would like to have apply to your life (and you loose the other 26 amendments, and the rights they protect).
Bell Ringer 9/29/14

1.  Why are they protesting?
    They want voting to be free.
2.  What rights are they wanting that we may take for granted each day?  The rite to vote withm there own opinions.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/24/14

1.  Do you agree with the new policy?
        Yes I agree with this policy cause I personaly work at philippi shop 'n'save and can not stand the smell of cigarettes by the door.
2. How might this policy affect businesses?  It will aggravate customers most people may not buy cigarettes.
Bell Ringer 9/26/14
Read the following:

1.  What does the low percentage of adults in WV with a bachelors degree (4 year degree) indicate to you?

2.  Why do you think the percentage is so low?  The technology that the colleges are coming with are hard to catch on to. And the technology places are getting more people interested.

3.  List one possible solution to increasing the number of college graduates in WV.
      Give them more classes and stuff they understand classes they like to take so they can graduate and have more income coming in.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/25/14

1.  What point did the president attempt to make.
 A ranging progress on airstrikes in Iraq.
2.  Rate how effective you believe he was in persuading other nations to help. 5 He needs to be sure to tell them that they are not only after Americans other countries to.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Bell ringer 9/22/14

1.  Do you believe 16 year olds have the maturity to vote? Why?
      Yes I believe they do have the maturity level to vote pending if there with there friends or not but in a way I think not cause they don't know a whole lot about the voting thing.
2.  When should people be able to vote? I think when they are mature about there answers then they should be able to vote.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/19/14

Do the actions of the French help or hamper US efforts? 
   Yes there efforts help out a lot with the US it is very fortunate that we have them and there army on our side against them.
Bell Ringer 9/18/14
 I feel that if I were ever put in this position it would be tough for me id be psycho and running around trying to hide all the time. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/17/14
Complete the Citizenship test:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/15/14

Read and write a summary 
     Its a crime to raise someone to initiate when they get older to hurt someone or get in there head to kill someone its wrong in every way.
Bell Ringer 9/16/14
Read the article

1.  What is reasonable punishment. 
            Reasonable punishment is to correct someone for what they did wrong in the rite manner not just hauling off and whacking them in the head that does nothing but make them hard headed and mean to other people.

2.  How have views on discipline changed over past twenty years? 
         You cant beat your kid or you go to jail you can discipline them but only in the rite act when its necessary.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/12/14

Read the link, and describe your reactions 
         The mountain state is going to start being watched closely and I feel that there doing the rite thing by doing this trying to keep the terrorism away and fight for us they are finding out important things over the internet and are investigating these things justice will be served for the men who executed the guys who did nothing wrong.
Bell Ringer for September 9, 2014

Answer the following questions

1.  Are you surprised by the desperate plea of restaurants for business? No im not surprised businesses will do anything to make good money and that is a smart way of doing that.
2.  How would or will this affect the American Society? It could make some people angry cause they didn't get a pass cause there only handing out so many of them but it could be a good thing pending on if you have nothing but 100 bucks and it could get you good food for 7 weeks.
3.  Does a business' need for profits trump the over all health of Americans?
4.  If you could eat at any restaurant for seven weeks for $100 what would the restaurant be and what would you choose for the meal? I would choose Texas road house or Chinese they are two of my favorite places and I would get steak at Texas roadhouse and all you could eat buffet at Chinese and I would make sure I ate every night possibly getting fat but it would be worth it.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bell Ringer for September 2, 2014

1.  read the article about the hacking into celebrities IClouds. 

 2.  Are you surprised something like this could happen?
    No I'm not surprised the technology we have now days is just getting worse and your being able to get in and access almost anyone's information.
3.  Do you think before you post and worry about who can see what you send?
   Yes I think cause reading this it makes me double think about what is going on with the technology and who could hack into my business.
4.  Do you think the people should be prosecuted who hacked into the cloud? Yes it was not a right for them to hack into the social media life they should be locked up.
Bell Ringer 9/8/14

Read, and write a summary   
     Fred Mayer is 92 and mows his girlfriends grass still to this day most people don't know that he wanted to go back to Germany he volunteered to go back also the Nazis beat him and pistol whipped the barrel of a gun into his mouth breaking several teeth. He escaped 1938 to new York city.

Friday, September 5, 2014


1. What dangers do fake towers pose to average citizens? They tap into the citizens buisness and listen to there calls the conversations and so far no one knows whose it is.

2. Why would they be located near military bases? They think that other governmental places are tapping in on other peoples conversations.

3. Do you believe the US government may be behind the towers? why/why not? I think that they probly are there is alot of information the government hides from us that they dont wanna tell the world so we dont get scared.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


1.  What impact will this have on India?
    The people in india this will have a big affect on them and they aren't use to this.

 2.  Why are they targeting India?
      Cause of the Osama bin laden death and several other deaths of muslims.

 3.  How should the US react to this?
     The U.S should be prepared for this and take action for what is needed and fight the war off for what there trying to do and the people there trying to scare.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Read the article.

1.  Summarize what Rick Perry is accused of doing.
  He has now been indicted with felony charges he also even pulled $3.5 million out of and annual state fund.
2.  Do you agree or disagree with his reasoning? I disagree and think what he got was reasonable!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

  it was a spare document providing details about the u.s.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Read the story, and provide a three to five sentence summary of the situation in Syria.
The u.s is flying over Syria there may be potential targets now that they flew over and did a surveillance the surveillance was contained 

Monday, August 25, 2014

1.  Write a paragraph summary of the article.

2.  Research the cause of this particular quake and write a brief summary

Friday, August 22, 2014     8-20-14

1.  Summarize the article in a paragraph.
Netherland thinks that u.s taxes are unfair

2.  What is the purpose of taxes?
The purpose of taxes is to help pay for all the other people and pay through the government and pay the taxes on welfare people.

3.  Who should pay the most taxes?
I think that depending on what you do and how much money you make it should depend on how much tax you have to pay and if you have to pay any taxes but  its all in the matter if you pay your taxes and getting half of your tax money back at the beginning of the following year.
  • You are to create a blog post that identifies what you believe to be the three biggest problems in the United States today. 
  •  Identify why you believe each problem belongs on the list, and propose at least one solution for each.  
  • All essays should begin with an opening statement about the problems and have a conclusion as well.
    1. Taxes, Drugs and Debt in the united states.
    2. Taxes is a big problem cause people have to pay them an  most people don't and the irs goes after them and most people want there money back from the taxes they had to pay from the year before and what they have worked for. Debt is a very big problem there are several people day by day going into debt and they can't afford to live good anymore. Drugs are a really big problem people are addicted to them and getting killed everyday cause of them.

    Thursday, August 21, 2014

    Bell Ringer 8/21/14

    Research the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS.  Copy and paste two sites you visit about the event.  Then answer the questions: 1.  Do you think the challenge is good or bad for ALS?  2.  So you believe it has been effective or is "people pouring cold water over their heads" just a way for people not to give money to charities?  What do you feel would make this challenge better of anything? 

    1. I think it is good there is abunch of money in donations.
    2. I think it has been effective it has raised a lot of money for charities so its a good way of earning money.
    3. I think the challenge would be more better with raising big money!

    Tuesday, August 19, 2014

    Tyler Burner,

    1. Obama released statement regarding the brown statement and has recommended he was not being racial.

    2. Excessive force is shoving someone to there point just keep getting to them and having to use all the power you got to get to them. No it was not used but the family could sue for monetary damages. 

    Dear Tyler,

                         I want to accomplish good goals and get my diploma and when I get out of high school then I will seek to find goof employment quit my job at Philippi shop 'n' save and go to find a job with my brother Bryan Hedrick in the oil field or take my electricians license and go to the union to get good benefits and make good money but when I have a good paying job ill save to build my house I've always wanted and property along with a good wife etc.  hopefully every thing I think of rite now will work out next year at this time and I wont have no worries or struggles in life and hope to be wealthy and help people out if needed. 

    Either way when I graduate hopefully by that time I will have started my career and settled in my house within five to ten years after graduation living on a decent farm with all my land and tractors making progress on my property and making it look fancy and well taken care of but by this time next year hopefully everything will be just as good as it is now if not just as better a it is now!