Friday, October 3, 2014

Bell Ringer for October 3, 2014
first read this article
1.  What is your initial reaction to this proposed ordinance?
    Its dumb and it makes no sense why they would start doing this.
2.  Do you believe this is a violation of any of your rights (listed in the Constitution or the amendments?)
     This is a big violation only people will be mad at them for this action there causing a big un needed disruption.
3.  What would be some issues if this goes into effect?
     There will be aggravated people and Belington will become a ghost town philippi will end up doing this.

then read this article

1.  How does this article compare to the first one?
    You cant come into the west Virginia state without permition there both almost just the same
2.  Make a list of the differences between the two.
    need permits to be in town.
 one was written yester day the other happened last night.
3.  How do you feel about this proposed ordinance now?  Like I said on the last article its dumb and makes no sense just another person or state hungry for money.

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