Monday, September 29, 2014

Assignment for 9/29/14
1.  Find a recent new article (within past 12 months) that deals with one of the Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights (1-10).  Write a summary of the article, and copy and paste the link into a blog post.    This court case involved the second amendment and this amendment has carried out for three ongoing times the right to bear arms.    

 2.  Find a recent new article (within past 12 months) that deals with Amendments 11-27.  Write a summary of the article, and copy and paste the link into a blog post.  25th amendment this is about the constitution and it says how a president will be elected and what would happen cause of the assassinations taking place in the 60's.   
3.  Find a court case that deals with one of the amendments that make up the Bill of Rights (1-10). Write a summary of the court case. 7th amendment

4.  Find a court case that deals with one amendment between 11-27.  Write a summary of the court case.

5.  Choose one amendment from 1-27 that you would like to have apply to your life (and you loose the other 26 amendments, and the rights they protect).

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