Monday, September 29, 2014

Assignment for 9/29/14
1.  Find a recent new article (within past 12 months) that deals with one of the Amendments that make up the Bill of Rights (1-10).  Write a summary of the article, and copy and paste the link into a blog post.    This court case involved the second amendment and this amendment has carried out for three ongoing times the right to bear arms.    

 2.  Find a recent new article (within past 12 months) that deals with Amendments 11-27.  Write a summary of the article, and copy and paste the link into a blog post.  25th amendment this is about the constitution and it says how a president will be elected and what would happen cause of the assassinations taking place in the 60's.   
3.  Find a court case that deals with one of the amendments that make up the Bill of Rights (1-10). Write a summary of the court case. 7th amendment

4.  Find a court case that deals with one amendment between 11-27.  Write a summary of the court case.

5.  Choose one amendment from 1-27 that you would like to have apply to your life (and you loose the other 26 amendments, and the rights they protect).
Bell Ringer 9/29/14

1.  Why are they protesting?
    They want voting to be free.
2.  What rights are they wanting that we may take for granted each day?  The rite to vote withm there own opinions.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/24/14

1.  Do you agree with the new policy?
        Yes I agree with this policy cause I personaly work at philippi shop 'n'save and can not stand the smell of cigarettes by the door.
2. How might this policy affect businesses?  It will aggravate customers most people may not buy cigarettes.
Bell Ringer 9/26/14
Read the following:

1.  What does the low percentage of adults in WV with a bachelors degree (4 year degree) indicate to you?

2.  Why do you think the percentage is so low?  The technology that the colleges are coming with are hard to catch on to. And the technology places are getting more people interested.

3.  List one possible solution to increasing the number of college graduates in WV.
      Give them more classes and stuff they understand classes they like to take so they can graduate and have more income coming in.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/25/14

1.  What point did the president attempt to make.
 A ranging progress on airstrikes in Iraq.
2.  Rate how effective you believe he was in persuading other nations to help. 5 He needs to be sure to tell them that they are not only after Americans other countries to.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Bell ringer 9/22/14

1.  Do you believe 16 year olds have the maturity to vote? Why?
      Yes I believe they do have the maturity level to vote pending if there with there friends or not but in a way I think not cause they don't know a whole lot about the voting thing.
2.  When should people be able to vote? I think when they are mature about there answers then they should be able to vote.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/19/14

Do the actions of the French help or hamper US efforts? 
   Yes there efforts help out a lot with the US it is very fortunate that we have them and there army on our side against them.
Bell Ringer 9/18/14
 I feel that if I were ever put in this position it would be tough for me id be psycho and running around trying to hide all the time. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/17/14
Complete the Citizenship test:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/15/14

Read and write a summary 
     Its a crime to raise someone to initiate when they get older to hurt someone or get in there head to kill someone its wrong in every way.
Bell Ringer 9/16/14
Read the article

1.  What is reasonable punishment. 
            Reasonable punishment is to correct someone for what they did wrong in the rite manner not just hauling off and whacking them in the head that does nothing but make them hard headed and mean to other people.

2.  How have views on discipline changed over past twenty years? 
         You cant beat your kid or you go to jail you can discipline them but only in the rite act when its necessary.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/12/14

Read the link, and describe your reactions 
         The mountain state is going to start being watched closely and I feel that there doing the rite thing by doing this trying to keep the terrorism away and fight for us they are finding out important things over the internet and are investigating these things justice will be served for the men who executed the guys who did nothing wrong.
Bell Ringer for September 9, 2014

Answer the following questions

1.  Are you surprised by the desperate plea of restaurants for business? No im not surprised businesses will do anything to make good money and that is a smart way of doing that.
2.  How would or will this affect the American Society? It could make some people angry cause they didn't get a pass cause there only handing out so many of them but it could be a good thing pending on if you have nothing but 100 bucks and it could get you good food for 7 weeks.
3.  Does a business' need for profits trump the over all health of Americans?
4.  If you could eat at any restaurant for seven weeks for $100 what would the restaurant be and what would you choose for the meal? I would choose Texas road house or Chinese they are two of my favorite places and I would get steak at Texas roadhouse and all you could eat buffet at Chinese and I would make sure I ate every night possibly getting fat but it would be worth it.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bell Ringer for September 2, 2014

1.  read the article about the hacking into celebrities IClouds. 

 2.  Are you surprised something like this could happen?
    No I'm not surprised the technology we have now days is just getting worse and your being able to get in and access almost anyone's information.
3.  Do you think before you post and worry about who can see what you send?
   Yes I think cause reading this it makes me double think about what is going on with the technology and who could hack into my business.
4.  Do you think the people should be prosecuted who hacked into the cloud? Yes it was not a right for them to hack into the social media life they should be locked up.
Bell Ringer 9/8/14

Read, and write a summary   
     Fred Mayer is 92 and mows his girlfriends grass still to this day most people don't know that he wanted to go back to Germany he volunteered to go back also the Nazis beat him and pistol whipped the barrel of a gun into his mouth breaking several teeth. He escaped 1938 to new York city.

Friday, September 5, 2014


1. What dangers do fake towers pose to average citizens? They tap into the citizens buisness and listen to there calls the conversations and so far no one knows whose it is.

2. Why would they be located near military bases? They think that other governmental places are tapping in on other peoples conversations.

3. Do you believe the US government may be behind the towers? why/why not? I think that they probly are there is alot of information the government hides from us that they dont wanna tell the world so we dont get scared.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


1.  What impact will this have on India?
    The people in india this will have a big affect on them and they aren't use to this.

 2.  Why are they targeting India?
      Cause of the Osama bin laden death and several other deaths of muslims.

 3.  How should the US react to this?
     The U.S should be prepared for this and take action for what is needed and fight the war off for what there trying to do and the people there trying to scare.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Read the article.

1.  Summarize what Rick Perry is accused of doing.
  He has now been indicted with felony charges he also even pulled $3.5 million out of and annual state fund.
2.  Do you agree or disagree with his reasoning? I disagree and think what he got was reasonable!