Thursday, August 28, 2014

  it was a spare document providing details about the u.s.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Read the story, and provide a three to five sentence summary of the situation in Syria.
The u.s is flying over Syria there may be potential targets now that they flew over and did a surveillance the surveillance was contained 

Monday, August 25, 2014

1.  Write a paragraph summary of the article.

2.  Research the cause of this particular quake and write a brief summary

Friday, August 22, 2014     8-20-14

1.  Summarize the article in a paragraph.
Netherland thinks that u.s taxes are unfair

2.  What is the purpose of taxes?
The purpose of taxes is to help pay for all the other people and pay through the government and pay the taxes on welfare people.

3.  Who should pay the most taxes?
I think that depending on what you do and how much money you make it should depend on how much tax you have to pay and if you have to pay any taxes but  its all in the matter if you pay your taxes and getting half of your tax money back at the beginning of the following year.
  • You are to create a blog post that identifies what you believe to be the three biggest problems in the United States today. 
  •  Identify why you believe each problem belongs on the list, and propose at least one solution for each.  
  • All essays should begin with an opening statement about the problems and have a conclusion as well.
    1. Taxes, Drugs and Debt in the united states.
    2. Taxes is a big problem cause people have to pay them an  most people don't and the irs goes after them and most people want there money back from the taxes they had to pay from the year before and what they have worked for. Debt is a very big problem there are several people day by day going into debt and they can't afford to live good anymore. Drugs are a really big problem people are addicted to them and getting killed everyday cause of them.

    Thursday, August 21, 2014

    Bell Ringer 8/21/14

    Research the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS.  Copy and paste two sites you visit about the event.  Then answer the questions: 1.  Do you think the challenge is good or bad for ALS?  2.  So you believe it has been effective or is "people pouring cold water over their heads" just a way for people not to give money to charities?  What do you feel would make this challenge better of anything? 

    1. I think it is good there is abunch of money in donations.
    2. I think it has been effective it has raised a lot of money for charities so its a good way of earning money.
    3. I think the challenge would be more better with raising big money!

    Tuesday, August 19, 2014

    Tyler Burner,

    1. Obama released statement regarding the brown statement and has recommended he was not being racial.

    2. Excessive force is shoving someone to there point just keep getting to them and having to use all the power you got to get to them. No it was not used but the family could sue for monetary damages. 

    Dear Tyler,

                         I want to accomplish good goals and get my diploma and when I get out of high school then I will seek to find goof employment quit my job at Philippi shop 'n' save and go to find a job with my brother Bryan Hedrick in the oil field or take my electricians license and go to the union to get good benefits and make good money but when I have a good paying job ill save to build my house I've always wanted and property along with a good wife etc.  hopefully every thing I think of rite now will work out next year at this time and I wont have no worries or struggles in life and hope to be wealthy and help people out if needed. 

    Either way when I graduate hopefully by that time I will have started my career and settled in my house within five to ten years after graduation living on a decent farm with all my land and tractors making progress on my property and making it look fancy and well taken care of but by this time next year hopefully everything will be just as good as it is now if not just as better a it is now!