Monday, November 17, 2014

Assignment for 11/17/14

1.  What issue was addressed in the case?
        Nixon and the Water gate.
2.  Explain the basic facts of the case.
             several burglars were arrested june 17th 1972.
3.  How and why did the case progress through the courts?
      They were wire tappin phones and doing illegal stuff.
4.  Why was the case heard by the Supreme Court?
        There were several crimes committed during this event.
5.  What was the Court's decision in the case?
          Chief justice was proceeded and decisions were made under all circumstances.
6.  How does this case impact the nation and its people?
        It makes people want to be more secure and they have to e more protective.

7.  What do you think about this case? (Do you think this is an important case?  Do you agree with the Court's decision?  Any other comments?)  It was a very important case do to our society and it makes security set at high stakes.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Ball Ringer 11/10/14

1.  Why will Manchin's role change in 2015
    He's basically all by his democratic self in the year of 2015 and no one will deal with him.
2.  What is currently the most important legislation that Manchin is working on?   
         Gun rights and sex marriage.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Lowering or raising taxes (be specific on what you would raise or lower):   Lowering tax prices for the people who work for a good living they shouldn't be taxed hard that should be the lowest paying taxes you should have to pay if you work hard for your money you shouldn't have to be paying tax dollars for welfare people to live off your money when you know that half of the welfare people that collect are tax dollars are working a job and most of them people should have there tax dollars raised I'm a tax payer myself and as far as what I know about the welfare situation it is messed up. Id also take the tax prices off the rifles and guns in America.
Welfare reform: There is a lot I would adjust to the welfare and it would depend on if you could or couldn't get a job if your eligible and make sure you could pass a drug screening from what you hear in reality and life about these welfare collecting people I don't think its fare to the people who break there backs to there retirement compared to the fat lazy people who set around on drugs and alcohol all day, we should not have to be paying are tax dollars for us to do that it should be going to the people who have a really hard time at getting a job unlike the people who are eligible to do it.

Overcrowding of jails in America: The over crowding in jails I think that we should bring are soldiers home to there families let them spend all the time in the world with there families get these inmates out of prisons that are over crowded cause they want to kill people or do other bad crimes to go to jail we shouldn't have to pay for criminals to eat three meals a day, so what we should do is take criminals knock them out with a drug put them on a plane drop them off in a war zone give them a gun and every other day have ramen noodles dropped off from the air so they can eat and let them fight for our country.

Immigration Reform: Immigrants is beginning to become a big issue in our country you use to be able to go to a construction site and see American men building and working hard now immigrants come into our country work for cheaper pay so the business owner makes more profit and pays less for workers I mean not being racial or anything but start stopping these people from coming over here and stay over there and work get the Americans up off there butt and get them back to work.

Health Care: Health care solving this issue is a big deal well the elderly people who broke there backs when they were younger should have all the health care and health insurance along with social security checks a month gave to them they earned it they shouldn't have that taken away from them its just like knocking a bee hive down after they worked on it to get it big enough for there colony it becomes hard for them to live again health care is a big issue and should be pay the elderly people and take care of them.
Bell Ringer and Assignment for November 6, 2014

1.  Read the article above.  

2.  What do you think about WV making history for having the youngest lawmaker?  
            Its pretty amazing that something like that could happen I mean she just graduated high school and is in college at the same time she got elected.

 3.  Do you feel that her being young will help or hinder (or both) her effectiveness in the legislature.  Defend your answer in 3-4 sentences.                                                                 I believe that this is a once in a life time thing happening im not for sure if something will happen like this in the future cause of the popularity this girl has at a young age, and now there will want to be other young people this age wanting to be in the position she is in.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

1.  Bell Ringer :
Go to or and research the election results for Barbour County and the state of WV.  Summarize the results and the voter turn out.  Were more winners democratic or republican?  Were more male or female?  Were there more incumbents that won or not?  Answer why are elections important?  Why do we have elections?  Why do you think it is important to vote? 

                                  To get the rite person in the job that helps our country and makes good decisions. Your vote matters its a big importance.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Who I would vote for in the near future well that would take a lot of researching and wandering who would be the best for taking over the white house and I would surely not make a bad mistake like the people did when they voted for Obama to be in the white house. The person who ever would be in the white house as far as I know would have to have experience and know what to do and making the rite decisions unlike the president in are white house today making the rite decisions to put the rite person in the white house makes a big difference of how are world goes around the make big decisions on bills and laws and once that law is made it could be a mess it could be a good law or a bad law but that's where a very well experienced president that you know a lot about and would know how to work things as a good president comes in handy and I would a sure the other people in the world before they vote to make sure they know the back round of the future president know a lot about them could get this country a long ways especially the good decision making gets this country a very long ways so all I have to say for future voting is to know more about the person and know if they have experience about what your voting for so be smart and vote for the rite person.
Bell Ringer for 11/3/14

1.  Write a summary of her argument.
   She would have rather suffered then suicide so it wouldn't spread to the young people.
2.  What argument do those that oppose the right to die with dignity put forth?
      They just don't want to suffer if they have something wrong they just want to go.
3.  What is your opinion? Live life to the fullest and dodge the hard things.